Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





PO Box 70

Vancouver BC







Advertising Matter only



re yours




Dear Dad,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


It is no business of little boys to be running around screwing people; but do I understand you aright when you say you have been trying to get a baby?


Please look on this and previous letters etc as a joke such as no man would dare play.


You seem to play the part of a distracted father to perfection—and that's where the joke comes in.


Suppose—you did try for a child.


Suppose—there was some truth in the Winged theory.


Suppose—he did come from an unexpected house.


Suppose—he was born exactly at the Summer Solstice.


Suppose—he was uneducated and need training and nursing and that he could not remember how to spell his father's name and thought there were 2 LL's in his mother's.


Suppose—he was a big enough fool to stick to his own woman—and to claim a name = 418 = abrahadabra.


Suppose—he did paint an image (stele) not unlike the one thou knowest—and offer to sell it.


Suppose—it was pleased in an ill-ordered house and that you also [illegible].


Suppose VC = Vancouver City and NV = North Vancouver.


Suppose—that Stele should be the Abomination of Desolation because of the fill of Because, that he is not here again!


Suppose—you intentionally signed your letter Θ and burnt the centre with a cigarette end.


Suppose—One bears the same mark, done by the same means—on his hand.


Suppose—baby is waiting to sit on daddy's knee—or wet in mommie's lap


What a joke it would be on Poor old Joe if you gave him [illegible] in the forthcoming Equinox (or Solstice)


He tells me he is glad he only claimed the 1º=10o or possibly less, where he may also serve who only [illegible].


Love is the law, love under will.


With tears from = (G and D)


Your Naughty Boy



P.S. How about VIO for winged Ф thus . Also sign of Anhilation .


