Correspondence from Thomas Wodehouse Legh[1] to the Home Office






[18 July 1916]



I am directed by Sec. Sir E. Grey [the Foreign Secretary] to transmit, herewith, for the confidential information of Mr. Sec. Samuel [the Home Secretary] an extract from a private letter addressed to the Consul General at Rotterdam by Mr. Charles Tower, special correspondent of the Daily Mail in Holland, which had been forwarded by Mr. Maxse to the FO.


Sir E. Grey would be glad to be placed in possession of any facts in regard to the past history of Mr. Crowley which may be in the possession of the police.


He would also be glad to know whether it is true that Mr. Crowley recently visited this country. In regard to this latter point articles written by Mr. Crowley in recent editions of the German Continental Times purporting to describe his visit to England have been observed.



1—Thomas Wodehouse Legh was a Foreign Office minister.


