Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





P.O. Box 70.

Vancouver. B.C.



July 23rd 1916. E.V.

Sun in Leo




Care Frater,


Do what thou wilt is the whole of the Law.


I have written a good many letters of late, one of the reasons being that by so doing more details are recorded than would otherwise be the case at this time. As a matter of fact things follow one another with considerable rapidity, and almost any conversation brings out fresh ideas of interest, but one cannot record them all. You will not mind, then, if I vent a few of them on you.


You will remember I gave you a string showing how the mottos chosen at different times formed a circle. The numeration is also of interest.



























= The Good gift, viz Malkuth.




5 plus 1 plus 7 = 13 again a 1=10 Motto.



Unus in Omnibus







Omnia in Uno.





Twelve Rays







Kether (and you know what 777 means)


777 plus 418 plus 13 = 1208 = 11.






= A Crown

- ashes






= Attained







= God

- not












= 1

This word gives the three numbers 418 and the centre letter = 418






= 8






= 4





Note also that if I have got mixed up with Parzival symbolism R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] certainly fits Kundry very nicely.


Kundry = 290 = Thine enemy (And only fools love their enemies)


However if she pulls through all right (I have no doubt she will in the long run) it would be a good name for her, and, in a higher sense she may become the O.I.V. to my V.I.O.



2 plus 9 plus 0 = 11 again.


     You will have noticed an apparent mix up in my former notes between the paths of Vau and Zain. I think there is possibly some further mystery here.


Strangely enough—of course I don't know how you worked it out in AN VII—but there seems to be a similar thing in Liber CCXX "The Abomination of Desolation" = 717 counting 'F' as 6, and in that case I am not sure the concealed centre of the 6 should not have been allowed for giving 718. Also this may give clue to Liber XXVII since 1st verse is Nothing.


Now let me talk plainly on certain other matters. Is it, in your opinion, possible that in order for the New Aeon to be fully established, the Methods of Old Aeon have to be permanently changed, viz A Pyramid of Spirit and Matter established on Malkuth, standing under a Night Sky, and by the whole Tree being smashed up, the Winged in chrysalis of Chochmah, set free as Hadit. In which case there would be no more need for others to take Grades higher than those of O.T.O. because there would be no more Abyss to pass as a Renunciation. It that case it would be clear why His left hand is empty.


As a matter of fact, people round here, seem to be able to grasp things that awhile ago would have required a transcending of the pairs of opposites, and it would now be very difficult to convince them that for some unaccountable reason their outlook on all these things has not changed. In any case the proofs are mounting up so rapidly that it will take quite a Qabalistic Student to quite clear them away and explain why, in spite of everything appearing 'normal' all is different.


Re paragraph before last. One might suppose that the New Aeon gives a chance of Cosmic Attainment instead of Planetary which may clear up the 'Star' theory and also the mention of 'hair' as trees of eternity.


Of course, the Pyramid on Malkuth, clears up Liber LXV verses 7-10 CH 1. And about the Pillar in the Void etc. Also I take it when Z mentioned uniting all these into the form of a Lion it may be on account of Strength of Lion = Pyramid. Also Aethyrs being formed thus, squares Circle. In fact there are dozens of ideas pointing to it.


Please tell me what you think about all this, apart from the chance of insanity on my part.


Love is the Law, Love under Will.


Yours fraternally,




