Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





P.O. Box 70

Vancouver B.C.



July 27th 1916 E.V.

Sun in Leo




To Therion 9º=2o    AA



Care Frater,


I am now certain that the writings obtained in 1910 E.V. are of importance. I have copied out for you the parts I had not already done some time ago. Take no notice of errors in typing please.


These things entered into a rough book covered in white paper, but I don't think it is The Book. Notice it says 'are ye enter them'.


Some of the verses are very extraordinary both from AA and O.T.O. points of view. Also note in parts the Message is Direct and without any intermediary. I could make many comments now but will not do so for this moment. Only note the last message, possible re existing World conditions and note possibly the True formula for IX°.


Now I will quote another thing from my old diary, given me by a very second rate medium in a public meeting. Aug 9, 1910 E.V.


"Being in some difficulties I decided to appeal to the AA for help and advise, which I did in this manner. I wrote upon a sheet of paper the following 'Are the AA satisfied with my progress and work for them?' If so, I need a little help financially' This I folded into Three, and inscribed the outside middle fold with my mystic seal which has been given me. I gave the paper to a sister who I believe to be well advanced in one of the Orders working for the G.[reat] W.[ork] and asked her to get me an answer without reading the question. On looking at the seal, she did so. I will try and enumerate a little of the reply I received, through her. First she told me she seemed to rise to a high plane and said one or two things I cannot remember. Then she said from all the points of the star came a light to lead along the path, but that I must take off my shoes when I knelt before the shrine. That the Circle was very nearly complete and that soon I should learn to take off my shoes and enter into the glorious light of the shrine. That the sword was sharp, heavy and that the handle represented a most Holy Symbol. That to those who Knock the Door shall be opened & Those that Seek shall find. Then evidently referring to my financial difficulties, that the storm of sand would not overtake me. That I was not to look back but to press on ever. That the oasis was near, when I could get beneath the shade of the palm trees and drink of the Waters of Life freely.


My inner self understood this symbolism perfectly, but I could not make my brain explain it so as to write it. However it must refer to my real Initiation which I feel to be very near once I can take off my shoes at the Shrine. My Lord Adonai Grant me the Light and the Knowledge and Power to do this soon.


Amen and Amen of Amen.


Aug 25. I came suddenly into touch with the Universal Prana, which filled my body with life and energy to an extent I had never dreamed of.


And then a little after that in early Sept came the big Illumination when as I now see things, the Higher part of me must have crossed the Abyss. The strength then obtained kept me going, until you came here and the Seventh Degree secret was given me. This as I told you shook me up a bit because it seemed to imply God was outside. Then Dark night of Soul and then completion of Initiations as recorded.


I think in changing the Grade 10=1 for 1=10 is a Mystery well worthy of the most Profound Meditation. Aumn.


Love is the Law, Love under Will.




