Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
The House of the Juggler [Adams Cottage]
[29 July 1916]
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Don't try to twist your names to my numbers; find your own cardinals. Kundry fits any woman; She is Woman.
Yes; how about the mix? 718 is ύπομνη the abstract noun of Perdurabo, as I found out years later. See comment to CCXX. I never allow any concealed center or Kolels.
Now to business. Yes; the old formulae must go. But, as in "Across the Gulf," I am still bound to some extent. I did train myself so damned well in the old way in all my plastic years! I made a severe effort to drop every thing during the first year after Eq[uino]x of Gods, but nothing went right, because the S.[carlet] W.[oman] went back on it all. (That is my real trouble, by the way, I think; S.W.s always get obsessed. Hilarion [Jeanne Foster] didn't; but she was only interested to fulfil etc "Liber 418 [The Vision and the Voice] p. 146. The vision has trifling inaccuracies in detail, but I think she was meant. It all fits in.
His [illegible] is [illegible] because he has crushed an universe; i.e. the aeon of Osiris. But I don't think this after the Abyss business; it only gives us a new method of getting there.
LXV I 7-10 Moon = λ
Sun = Tiphareth
Arrow =
Foundation = Jesod
dark horse = ת
[illegible] Earth = Malkuth
It’s a plain description of the Middle Pillar.
But your par 3 of p. 2 is obscure in some ways to me. By new method I mean using joy instead of sorrow, and the like.
The Tree isn’t smashed up; the Tree is a map of the Universe. The problem is how to climb that Tree!
People about you getting ‘converted’ suddenly and the quiet way it’s happening, are good evidence of your attainments.
Your antepenultimate par. I’m not
at all clear on all this. My main idea is a heliocentric
progress. We line up
I suppose you know πυρχμγ = ϕαλλος = 831.
Please go on about New Aeon; there’s a lot to do.
Love is the Law, Love under Will.