Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





P.O. Box 70.

Vancouver. B.C.



July 31st 1916 E.V.



Care Frater,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours Sun in Leo, Luna in Gemini. Thank you for explanation of the planetary correspondences of the Tree. A rather interesting idea came to me at one time, it is this: Suppose an 0˚K0˚ were to attain, without accepting any help whatever, his attainment should (theoretically) give him 0º=0o A Neophyte attaining without further help becomes 10º=1o. A 2º=9o gets to 9º=2o and so on, according to the amount of help he has accepted and received. Suppose then a man arrives at 4º=7o and then helps himself entirely, he would become 7º=4o, and from that grade would have to travel by the usual stages to 8º=3o, 9º=2o and so on, whereas another apparently less favoured at the start might be able to pull off a High Grade for himself under certain circumstances. What is your opinion of this?


I think, as you say O.I.V.V.I.O. is the better arrangement—by cutting a seal to appear as V.I.O.O.I.V. when on hand, it will as a matter of fact take the first form when on paper.


I send you the original pentacle of our Lady, made some years ago. Please return. After I had made it, the idea came to draw the symbol in the centre. I had an impression at the time that it connected, in some way, the Three Supernal Grades with the hands, navel and feet of Nuit. It may well have other meanings, as I now see.


I don't quite know how the 'others' stand at present. In any case by what you say things are all right.


M.O.N.E.Y. is a difficult proposition. It's got to come somehow if the Work is to be done aright. I don't think you need worry about the 'bug' of renunciation, on my part. My idea has been to Attain by the Methods of Old Aeon, as far as possible, and then to take up fully these of the New. Liber 333 says somewhere that there is hope in every new doctrine, providing the old is not given up because it is too hard. Or words to that effect.


We have a Madame Eulalie Tasmann staying with us now (she had joined Lodge too) who has a really wonderful voice. She needs pushing, in more ways than one possibly, and I intend to get her engagements and pupils. This may prove a God-send in many ways and help out quite a lot.


Yours of Sun in Leo, Luna in Cancer. I enclose amended copy of the Comment of Frater Achad. If satisfactory, please let me know and I will have a few mimeographed. also please correct of necessary.


I thought perhaps the fact of a thunderbolt falling near you and actually marking your hand would be a connection with the idea in the passage referred to.


Love is the Law, Love under Will.


Yours fraternally,


