Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
At the House of the Juggler [Adams Cottage]
[5 August 1916]
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
But do what I will, I can't get the hang of your idea on grades. No one can do any thing "without any help whatever". 8º=3o is the only grade that can be "claimed". With reference to other grades, it often happens that a 3º=8o (say) gets an attainment of the kind characteristic of say 7º=4o. But that does not make him 7º=4o. I've got a man in mind who has all the 6º=5o work better than I have myself, but who is only 1º=10o because he can't pass one of the exams. So he can't get over not being able to pull the next man up that one ladder after him. And I'm inclined to think that you'll have to do a lot of drill in the inferior grades yet—or how shall NEMO tend his garden? Suppose a man comes to you, and says he has the Vindu-siddhi, but can't pull his Atsana up to his [illegible]. Can you show him? You've got to have the [illegible], though you discard them at once; and you must know why people can't get from the first to the second Shana, and be able to help each case. And each case is different. Could you comment on another man's record as efficiently as yours was commented on.
(Then the young man NEMO was slashed in the Presence!)
I return the Pantacle. I think you
are a little obsessed by 'grades', which are only
(in)convenient ways of describing states of a man. You mean
the Infernal Triad. The
My blessing on Eulalie. Read her Pue's poem. I enclose Comment, with comments. Mimeograph, but send to Cowie [George MacNie Cowie]. When I've made President of the Committee of Publications of the O.T.O. I will probably print and distribute, as supplement to Message.
I can't follow last paragraph. Please remember that I am human in my calmer moments.
Love is the Law, Love under Will.