Arthur Edward Waite about R.W. Felkin
6 August 1916
Last Talk with F.[inem] R.[espice] [R.W. Felkin] on his departure for New Zealand, August 6th, 1916
1. He affirmed that Sapere Aude [William Wynn Westcott] had put all the Egyptian references into the Cipher MSS., whereas S.A. told me that he had only corrected them.
2. He claims to have seen the actual letter written by D.[eo] D.[uce) C.[omite] F.[erro] [MacGregor Mathers] to S.[apere] A.[ude] On receiving and decoding the Ciphers D.D.C.F. stated that with care and pains he could make them up into workable Rituals.
3. F.[inem] R.[espice] admitted that the result was bad.
4. F.R. knows nothing of Major [Francis G.] Irwin in connection with Ciphers, but he coincided with my opinion that Irwin was mixed up with the manufacture of Rituals.
5. F.R. affirmed that no ceremonies witnessed by him in Germany had any traces of Cipher influence or of Kabalistic elements. The probability is, however, that he saw only [Rudolf] Steiner workings.
6. He registered his belief that Lord [Edward Bulwer] Lytton made up the Ciphers, but appeared to have no evidence.
7. He said that Lytton went to the South of England and there died. He took certain boxes with him, two of which were lost at a point where he broke his journey. They have been sought everywhere and have not been found.
8. F.R. supposed them to contain Rosicrucian papers.
9. As regards Lytton's manufacture of the Ciphers, I do not think that the word occultism had been heard of at the date of his death, but this word occurs in the Ciphers.
10. I am disposed to admit otherwise that Lytton is a bare possibility, but it is of course mere speculation.
11. F.R. affirmed that when he visited Germany just before the war he was on the point of proceeding with Q.[uaero] L.[ucem] [Mrs. R.W. Felkin] to visit the Tomb of C.R.C. in Southern Germany. This adventure was stopped by the war, and he lost over £100 in tickets—most of which could not be used.
12. I asked where the alleged Tomb was situated, and he answered that he was under covenant but could take me there.