Correspondence from Frank Bennett to Aleister Crowley
O .T . O.
c/o Brazilian Consulate General for the Commonwealth of Australia Sydney New South Wales
August 11th 1916
Most Holy Most Illuminated and Most Illustrious Father.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The letter dated June 19th from New York City addressed to our Very Illustrious National Grand Master General, Very Illustrious Brother Dunn [Ernest Dunn], has been received.
It would indeed gladden us to have our Most Illustrious Father pay us a visit, and it would indeed give us great pleasure if we were able to forward the necessary funds to enable him to do so. Just at present however this is not possible for the following reasons. Firstly we have only as yet a very few members of our order in Australia. Secondly we have not yet received our Charter, although we have been kindly permitted by the Grand Master General of the South African Union, under whose jurisdiction this National Grand Council is pending further instructions, to carry on work. Thirdly the few individual members that we have at present are not financially strong enough to incur the expenses, many war taxes and other adverse circumstances are responsible for this. We earnestly pray that better circumstances will prevail so that later on we may be enabled to provide the necessary funds for our Most Holy Father to visit us, and we ask your kind assistance in this to obtain the desired end,
Love is the law, love under will.
National Grand Secretary General
Most Illustrious Brother Aleister Crowley X°, 33°, 90°, 95° c/o Thomas Cook & Sons 245 Broadway, New York City.