Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
[18 August 1916]
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I delayed answering the money part of your letter; I wanted to think at it. I was rather afraid from the first that you will get in a mess. However, perhaps it's part of the Game. Maybe you are appointed to try out the Community scheme. For there's nothing for it so far as I can see, but an experiment. You can all economize by living under one roof. Make your rules as you go. I think you might try preaching the Law at the street-corner, and passing the hat in the usual way. Lots of big things have begun like that. Anyhow, you've been launched out into Malkuth, and you've got to be all the Malkuth problems. If one of you owns a house, make him vest it in O.T.O. Then you can't lose it. Arrange a dormitory system; have religious exercise in the Lodge itself, only see to it that no one loses reverence, but gains it. Love Is not, as Englishmen suppose, a dirty joke.
You seem to have got a peculiarly strong crowd. You must go after responsible people with position and money. You must get a newspaper on your side, and you must convert a printer. You must also be careful when you do get people of good social position how you mix them. It was an awful bother in London; English people are nearly all snobs, and have no manners. I'll have to write an epistle on manners! There's one coming soon on property and Profess-Houses. I sent one yesterday on Death. You are a first-rate pamphleteer, by the way. But do avoid my faults, chiefly that of explaining to a quite strange [illegible] the subtle difference between [illegible] and S(1-81) in the middle of a discussion on swimming.
Whenever any point come up, make a rule to write a tract on it, and send copies. But above all, make new members. Don't close your circle too soon. Those 5 are fine, if they'll all turn outwards to get in 25 more instead of meeting daily to discuss their private parts. One advantage of getting them all fucked dry is that then perhaps we shall get on! They'll go and catch some more.
Love is the Law, Love under Will