Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones







[21 August 1916]



Care Frater,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of in    in . There are all kinds of correspondence between grades but the main one is planetary in basis; thus Chokmah is the root of Hod, being ial and of Chesod being Potential; Binah root of Geburah being Austere, of Netzach being eal; and of course there is a deep identity with Malkuth.


Similarly, balance and perfection and beauty of Tiphareth reflect Kether—you can go on for ever.


As to O.T.O., it's quite simple.


Minerval to Prince of Jerusalem gives the course of a soul from [illegible] of after action to solar system up to Annihilation. V. of E. and W. is a bridge to the other grades XI° which are all mere elucidations of II°, left purposely vague and elementary.


V.I.O.O.I.V. is excellent, but why not O.I.V.V.I.O. on the principle of Neophyte word MVIAVM (=93) Please draw symbol accurately and to scale for me. What is it? It happens to be particularly familiar and important to me—and I can't remember why how where or anything about it!


What do you mean "others not all through yet"? You don't expect more 8º=3o people do you? and as for lower grades, they are all right. We have George Cecil Jones D.D.S. 7º=4o also Allan Bennett I.A.—maybe he's 8º=3o now, but I doubt it, unless the war has done it. D.D.S. wouldn't dive from 7°=4□. One of these has probably a good 6º=5o; perhaps both. I have also one here; but he fails on certain planes. As it were, he has it in him, but is so defective in other ways that it is mashed. Of 5º=6o there are a number, and so down.


Re O.T.O. Possibly things will work out so that you can handle the business matters connected. But the first thing is to find M.O.N.E.Y. We can't even start collecting it without it. Still, the Lord will show the way.


All this renunciation of yours, on the material plane, is childish. I did the finance and time part at the very start of all. There's no use in hampering yourself; I need a 2-cent stamp to mail you this letter, don't I? Incidentally, too, your attitude is all against CCXX I 57 II 24 etc. Value everything only so far as it subserves your Will; that's the only rule. And the renunciation bug is the most deadly of all. I've had to write against it constantly.


(Please return Dede's [Deirdre Stansfeld Jones] kisses with interest!).


Ring. Yes; you'll need the seal for documents one day.


Re the "unofficial" letter. It was no great effort, and hope the result will appear in January.


The "image" in CCXX III 21 was a huge hawk with solar disk.


Some references I don't quite follow.


I did intentionally burn the dot in my Θ.


I think V.I.O. should certainly be a W Φ looks to me best.


I am very tired to-night; just starting a new and more rigorous fast, and have had a long athletic day at the end of a train journey etc (I had to go to Boston for a day.) so [illegible]


Love is the Law, Love under Will.






