Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
The House of the Juggler [Adams Cottage]
[22 August 1916]
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
This entry in my diary should interest you.
Aug 20. An amazing discovery. The op[eratio]ns to have a child by
Hilarion [Jeanne
Foster], July 8 on, seven in all, and one upon
Helen Westley, ended Sept 12 and Sept 16 with op[eratio]ns
at beginning and end of catamenia. These op[eratio]ns
are described as peculiarly good. On Sept 23 the
Word of the Equinox was Nebulae i.e. the Babe of an
Universe (as I now see). This Eq[uino]x
the Word is Sol-Om-Om, the child of David's adultery. Now
O.I.V.V.I.O. [Charles Stansfeld Jones]
was born on June 21, exactly nine months after the
g Eqx. On
conclusion of Eqx ceremony H.[ilarion]
had seduced me; and I had concentrated on the Word just
obtained. It is really very remarkable that I did no op[eratio]n
for a child after this Sept 12-16. We were at Vancouver on
Oct 19 (Two or three days earlier) It is to be noted, too,
that H. was the perfect S.[carlet] W.[oman]
as described in
CCXX III 44. Then O.I.V.V.I.O. may be the child coming 'from no
expected house' since I always thought of a material baby,
and never tried for a spiritual son (CCXX III 47) and yet
the child of my bowels, since O.I.V.V.I.O. has
Query; did three men bring presents to O.I.V.V.I.O.? (I know one did) and was there a star?
I enclose a letter from O.H.O. Please copy, and send me a carbon and the original.
I also enclose remaining secret documents of O.T.O. Please retain, making yourself an extra copy for safety, and placing it in a safe place. (P.S. one only; 2 others to-morrow.)
It is very important for you to make your own Qabalah because of CCXX. I 54. 55. III 47.
I am getting hold of my Initiation mentally. I now find that every period of 73 days is exact to a few hours, and has a [illegible], and is a distinct period, so that one could name each section like a ritual.
I must close; the frog elemental whom I invoked has arrived, and I must slay Shaw [Gospel According to St. Bernard Shaw], and the slave-god.
Love is the Law, Love under Will.