Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
P.O. Box 70. Vancouver. B.C.
Aug 25th 1916 E.V.
To His Most Sacred Majesty Baphomet X° O.T.O. Ireland, Iona, and all the Britains.
M.H.M.I.M.I. and Very Dear Brother.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
I was very pleased to get a letter from my brother Claude P. Jones, of Wellington, N.Z. in answer to one of mine enclosing a Manifesto etc. on June 30th E.V. He is by profession an Architect and has always been able to hold a better social position that I have found it possible to keep up. You will see by his letter, which I enclose, that he is about 'ripe' for the work. He is, by nature a strong man, a leader, and would be of the greatest use to the causes. I have written to him at once, and send you also a copy of my letter. Now, what's to be done with him. Will you add N.Z. to my territory, for the time being, and authorize me to make him Hon VIII° if necessary. In that case what arrangement is to be made about his Fees etc. if he will come through with the money to that extent? He should, I think, join this Lodge, he was long resident in Vancr.
Please give me your proper sanction and advice in this matter, and say how you want it arranged.
Love is the Law, Love under Will.
Fraternally, in the bonds of the Order,