Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
[Undated: circa late September 1916?]
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your letter from Malkuth is very amusing, you certainly take after your father. I think however you possible need to develop the Panic Spirit and I am not sure I can describe exactly what that is. You know more or less its essence is making other people ridiculous while enjoying yourself. I appreciate what you say about R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones]. I have always felt sure that there was some lack of ability to live in higher planes in that quarter. The enclosed from Checkie explains everything. I think he will make admirable cannon fodder, By the way just before the equinox is always a bad time. The old current has petered out as it will. I shall probably send you the new Word [of the Equinox] by tomorrow's mail or Monday's. Read the Attis Adonis Osiris volume carefully three times
Love is the Law, Love under Will.
P.S. Since writing the above, yours of Sept. 12 has arrived. It seems to me rather hopeless about Checkie in which term I wish to include humanity! It is my experience that people are nearly always incapable of following my instructions: of course it is all right for Checkie to have reason to have got to the desired haven. But where is the $100? He is evidently a person of exceedingly weak mind, even for a human being. Probably therefore he could be trained as a missionary or preacher for which an unusually weak mind is the principal qualification. Having done this, he had better be sent to work walking to wherever I am at the time, Texas or Florida. It ought to do a lot of good to have a [illegible] or two on the road. In fact, I was about to suggest it anyway for some of your own members. I think a very strong effort should be made, just at present to spread the law gradually right down the coast.
[eleven-fold cross] B.
The C. of Death is perhaps "The Evil Mother" of Jung.