Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Post Office Box 70 Vancouver. B.C.
Sep 14th 1916 E.V.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours Sol in Virgo, Luna in Cap.
I'm in a hellish black mood tonight. I don’t know about having 'The One Thing Needful', but I'm pretty sure you're right about my limitations. I realize them too, but this accursed web is hard to break through. There's probably a knack in it, if I could only get on to it, but damn it, I've got a woman that sticks like a leech, in spite of the fact that I've done everything to help her to get a bit of amusement herself; I've got a bunch of people who are obsessed most of the time with one thing and another and pester me all the time, I haven't got a cent even to take a girl out to dinner or a chance to do anything at home, and we are in a damned dead-and-alive City, that I don’t believe would wake up at the last Judgment. It's Hell!
I suppose it's my own silly 'point of view' or something, but about a month, with enough to live on, a sensible woman, and a little of the sweet wine, and wines that foam, would make me feel in a good deal better temper, just now.
I shall keep on, there's little doubt about that, I think, but whether I shall ever do anything worth while still remains to be seen.
They haven't even got a book like 'The Golden Bough,' in this hole; I beg the Librarian's pardon, I think they have one Vol. on Atis, Adonis and Osiris, if I remember rightly.
Checkie is reported to have been seen in the City to-day. Have no word from him. When I do see him I shall tell him to get back to Crawford and then start to walk here.
Well, I suppose there will be something soon to counterbalance this state.
Love is the Law, Love under Will.