Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Frank Bennett







93, Regent Street,

London, W.


Sep 20/16 e.v.



Care Frater


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I am in London for a week and am taking advantage of unwonted freedom from business to write you and the other Colonies.


You shall receive by an early mail 250 copies of a new tract, The Law of Liberty, and 100 of a new manifesto of the O.T.O. Care should be used not to waste these on people not to be depended on to pay their dues. In this connection I am bound to remind you that the Colonies have contributed practically nothing towards the Grand Lodge.


We must have funds, if only to pay the large amount of printing necessary to spread the Light of the New Law. It is impossible for me to do a tithe of it out of my own pocket. The quantity I am sending you of the pamphlets is less than a drop in the bucket, and I hope you will order a larger supply, at your own cost.


With all good will and good wishes, I am,


In the Bonds of the Order,




George M. Cowie VII° G.S.G.


