Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley




93 Regent Street.



20 Sept 1916.



A Petition to His Most Sacred Majesty the Supreme and Holy King ruling in Iona, Ireland and all the Britains.


Most Holy, Most Illuminated, Most Illustrious and Most Worshipful Father


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


In pursuance of your instructions I opened the sealed packet IX° which has been in my charge these two years and more. I found therein two MSS, neither of which I recognised as Book .


I read your letter again, to make certain of my instructions and these being explicit, and as I had necessarily read portions here and there, I decided that I ought to read it through, tho' I could see in the outset nothing connected with the various "pictures" etc. It was not till I had gone to bed that it occurred to me that perhaps a document I was not entitled to see had got into the wrong envelope?


If that be so, I can only affirm as before, on my magical honour and under the former oaths that this knowledge is as safe with me, and as inviolable as the former.


There was such a sudden and unexplained gap between this and the VII degree knowledge, and AGAPE [Liber Agape Azoth sal Philosophorum] being mentioned as a distinct book, I was very anxious to see Bro[ther] Hammond's [Benjamin Charles Hammond] copy, as I could not make any copy till certain if his was the same or not.


I could not get it till yesterday, it is now in my possession, and as good method of studying it will be to write it out 3 times, I propose to make one copy here, and two others from that, after I reach home. It is a pity however that it is not the perfected one you mention. I have only seen sufficient to recognise that the Secret is not on the surface, and that detached passages or even the whole would convey no real knowledge to an outsider. (AGAPE).


Of course I am now in possession of a much better understanding of the real dignity of Our Order for one thing. I salute you, and in the Bonds of the same am fraternally yours.


G.M. Cowie.

VIII degree.


