Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
The House of the Juggler [Adams Cottage]
[27 September 1916]
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Checkie seems to have started, vide enclosed. You'd better write him; see that he's following my instructions to a hair's breadth. Tell him to write to you, not to me.
Very good about N.[ew] Z.[ealand]—but the earth-hunger of you young viceroys! Certainly not; N.Z. is one of the brightest jewels in my crown, and must have a Viceroy of its own. Your brother should do, but he's got to work like the devil. He knows nothing yet at all. Tell him T.[heosophical] S.[ociety] yarns of danger are mostly bogies to frighten their babies. Let him seek our Bernard Page the City Organist who knows me personally, and might join.
You could let him have 0°-III° rituals, but he must dig out Word for himself. Make him take V° oath, and affiliate to VII° paying in full. When I get to N.Z. I'll put him right about everything. But no charter until 3 men have joined and paid.
Send him the new circular matter. He can have 0°-III° on his own affiliation but must not work them till he has VII° etc as said above.
With regard to your meetings, read Joshua VI. Nothing happens at all till the 7th day, and then—lust! Have meetings in the open air, anything; but keep on with the rams' horns.
I [illegible] what you meant in the last par of your letter dated Aug 21. You can't be spared for such foolishness. A [illegible] would be different. However, I doubt if it will happen; the tradition of the whole country is against it.
In "Desert Islands" jeering won't do. And as a matter of fact, you'll have trouble if you try to begin things that way. The chosen hero has a right to say 'no'.
I'm working harder than ever. No more just now.
Love is the Law, Love under Will.