Correspondence from Althea Hobbs to George MacNie Cowie
88 Albion Road. N.
28 Sept 1916.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Dear Mr. Cowie.
I am sending you two typed copies of the Address, but keeping the original for the time being—because Mrs Davies [Mary Davies] needs a copy of it for the Lodge. If you only want one copy, would you very kindly return the other? But if you want two, then I will type it out again from the original, and then send the latter back to you. There is no charge for these 2 copies, because I did them myself. The copying office actually had the face to return the MSS saying they had no time after all to do it—so I took it with me to my Afternoon Lair and borrowed a machine. I am seeing about the V. of the S. [Voice of the Silence] and hope you will not be kept waiting long before it is ready. I have also been trying to arrange for a visit to the Depository to hunt for the papers A.C. wants. Nothing could be done for a day or two however as the place was still understaffed, owing, I find, to the fact that the inside men occasionally have to do the work of the outside men as well, so they are compelled to shut up the Depository at unexpected moments. The photos, too, I am keeping in mind. Mrs Davies has had to prepare 2 lectures this week and needed my help for that and various other incidental things that had to be done. She is so good and fair, I feel I must not fail her when urgency arises and with only the mornings free, Mr C's [Crowley] little commissions will unavoidably suffer somewhat. I know you realize this, but Mr C, I am sure, anticipates results by return of post, and much as it grieves me, it cannot always be—but will you assure him that I am trying to "remove mountains" all the time, and I never forget the wicked Grandmother (or Godmother)—I remember, it's "Stepmother"—
Goodbye for the time, and with all good wishes.
Yours fraternally.