Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
P.O. Box 70. Vancouver. B.C.
October 23rd 1916 E.V.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I received your note giving new addresses some days ago; many thanks for same.
I have not written lately, because there has been very little to write about and very little inclination to do so. I have been waiting for ‘something’ to turn up, but we’re having a pretty dead spell. As far as I can see it is a matter of holding on and waiting for the tide to turn.
I have one bit of personal news that may interest you
Oct 10. Op’n [Operation] for Sex Force and Attraction.
Oct 12. Tried an Op’n and found virility poor.
Oct 15. Went and sought out a prostitute and could not get even the slightest sign of erection.
Oct 16. R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] Tried again. Erection poor, practice useless.
Oct 21. R.S.J. Just as about to start 0 suddenly refused to work. Managed a poor and useless practice after waiting awhile.
This state of affairs in conjunction with other things, is very encouraging.
I seem in good physical shape, and begin to feel slightly more cheerful however.
In going through my old diaries the other day I came across a note that was rather interesting in view of what happened on June 21. Mon. April 17, 1911. “Felt a peculiar half-formed idea enter my consciousness. Could it be well to limit my term of years in this body, to (say) five years? I feel I have the power to do this.” It was just about 5 years after that the other events took place.
Well, there’s really nothing worth reporting for the Present.
Better news next time, I hope.
Love is the Law, Love under Will.