Correspondence from Eustace Miles to George MacNie Cowie
22, Ridgemount Gardens, Gower Street, W.C.
Oct. 24th 1916.
Dear Mr Cowie.
I have been thinking over your kind letter and the papers very carefully; and I thought I would explain, so as to make things clear, that I object very much to having to learn words. I don't mind mastering ideas, and I don't mind doing things that help people in my own little way; but I have to refuse to master the wordings of ceremonies; and I cannot give up much time to ceremonies. The only way in which I could join the movement would be to qualify by service—such as my services.
The more I read of your principles, the more I like them. They start with a perfectly sound foundation; they are not revolutionary in a violent sense; and they cannot hurt anyone.
Yours very sincerely
E. Miles.