Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley




14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.



[Undated: circa November 1916?]





Previous to the last letter, a short note came (I have mislaid it) saying that he [Eustace Miles] had decided he must not take up anything new till he'd got through with something else in 6 months time. "Do etc" says I. Also, he was returning my copy of L.L. [Liber Legis] I lent him, seemed a bit frightened. Meanwhile a letter crossed, which I wrote on Sunday, giving him the interpretation, so to say, of some points.


This has evidently made him reconsider.


I like his letters. He has plenty of sense. I wonder if you wouldn't like to write him, personally. He'd take it as a compliment. It's simple to say that one of your lieutenants sent on his letters, and you were struck by the superlative superlativeness etc. He'd be a valuable recruit.


