Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Post Office Box 70 Vancouver. B.C.
Nov 1st. 1916 E.V.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I received your copies of the two letters safely, and have sent on others to S.[outh] A.[frica] and N.[ew] S.[outh] W.[ales] as requested. Our Lodge was very interested to have the news. These things, I am sure, help greatly to keep up the general interest. I have suggested to Brother Cowie [George MacNie Cowie], that we exchange a monthly letter with the London Lodge for the same reason.
There is a slight feeling of improved conditions ‘in the air’ we are going to take every advantage of any new current if possible. We have certainly been through a critical time, but we’re not dead yet, so enough said.
Do you think any good would be done if you put into force a scheme whereby solitary persons, living in parts where no Lodge has been formed, paid a very nominal sum for ‘Honorary Membership.’ and were thereby entitled to receive all tracts etc. upon publication, and given the opportunity of distributing a certain number. If in conjunction with this they (and in fact Lodge members also) could be supplied with a short ‘Monthly Letter’ from Headquarters giving hints for individual development on New Aeon lines, I think possibly some good might come of it. If you had time to write the letter, and send a copy to each Lodge the various Secretaries should be able to make enough carbon copies to go round, until such times as things warranted a printed letter. I believe there is need of a lot of what I may call ‘Intermediate’ literature, in every case starting on some line already in the minds of the average person and proving if feasible that the only logical outcome, of what he has already got, is Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I don’t know if I make myself plain, or even if it is possible, but it would be rather a good thing if one could show that every Great Teacher really meant to teach this, but hadn't the ability to say it quite as clearly and nicely as θ. However, I leave this for your consideration.
I haven’t much more to say tonight, and I’m very tired. Trusting all is well with you, and that I shall hear from you in the near future.
Love is the Law, Love under Will.