Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Post Office Box 70. Vancouver. B.C.
Nov 16 1916 E.V.
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I have been looking forward to a letter from you, but I expect you have been very busy, and I myself have not been much of a correspondent lately. A letter, does make a difference though, I had one from Bro. Cowie [George MacNie Cowie] that gave me much pleasure.
I have not got much news for you even now, but I feel in a better state, and things are slightly on the move, I have personally passed through a period of the most dreadful ‘deadness’ more or less shared by all the little group which of course only made it worse. It has been a time when one could not get the least bit of Light on any subject, accompanied by depression, and an entire lack of interest in God, Nature, and everything else, during which one could only ‘hang on’ because it was impossible to ‘drop off’. You may know the feeling, though I shouldn't like to accuse you of being in such a state, at any time. We still have the Lodge at N.V. because the Landlord refused to release us from the Agreement, but I am glad to say we have had an offer of a Room in the City, in addition, and we are going to take advantage of it while possible.
I took a bit of a rest, and now find the physical trouble previously mentioned, has passed. I should like your opinion on the enclosed notes of last practise performed at a time when things looked very black financially. It looks more like ‘success’ than any previous one, because the object was definite, though the results were varying in nature, and not yet entirely completed.
Love is the Law, Love under Will.
Sun. Nov 12th. 9.45 P.M. Dark. Gold. Partner. R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] To obtain money ($ 100) to clear up Lodge and other trouble. Concentration very good. Virility good. R. very passionate, but this only noticed as 'outside' of the main concentrated idea. Elix[ir]. Same trouble with R. A small quantity on finger. Results. Tues. Nov 14. At Lodge Meeting $15 promised by members.
Wed. 15th. $10 actually paid, promise of balance of $7 on the 20th. Someone wrote, asking to join Order, which should be another $20 in near future. Received Salary (as usual) $35. (This was of course money, so I suppose it counts.) In spite of the fact that the matter of lease was supposed to be in Lawyers hands, went and talked to Owner, and she let me off a clear $35 of the Lodge Rent.
All the above were entirely unexpected, except Salary.
I am sorry to find—as you have doubtless already noticed—several errors have crept in to the Printed copies of Law of Liberty. We shall have to correct in ink, I suppose, in most places.
Please send me a brotherly letter when you have time.
With warmest fraternal greetings,
Love is the law, love under will.
P.S. There seems no chance of me getting that Ring for the present, even Mussetts [Jeweler] for some reason, seem too dense to send an estimate, apart from the question of the money. Is there a reason why I should not have it?