Correspondence from Ernest Dunn to George MacNie Cowie
Post Office Box 1694 General Post Office, SYDNEY N.S.W. Australia
November 21st 1916.
Care Frater
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your letter of the 20th September last has reached us, and we note that you are sending us 250 copies of the new tract The Law of Liberty, and 100 of the new O.T.O. Manifesto. We will use as suggested discretion in the distribution of them. We quite understand that funds are needed to supply such as these, and we shall be glad if you will inform us what the cost would be for 1000 of each, should we require a further supply.
We would also like to know if the Liber Legis is printed in separate book form and if so what would be the cost of one dozen copies. We presume that the books promised to be sent on consignment are in course of transit, they being badly needed.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours in the Bonds of the Order
Maximus VII° O.T.O. National Grand Master General for Australasia.
Sir George M. Cowie VII° Grand General Secretary Edinburgh