Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Frank Bennett
[Undated: circa December 1916]
It was my original idea that the O.T.O. would be a sort of training ground for A∴A∴. It was still in my mind that the A∴A∴ was the only thing worth doing. But recent initiations have changed my mind considerably. I had not paid sufficient attention to the statement in Liber XXXIII. To the effect that when people become ripe, they are joined to the chain. But the O.T.O. has a perfectly definite function in connection with the New Aeon. At a time like the present, when individual liberty is threatened in a way to which history offers no parallel, a strong and vigorous order is required to guard humanity. The A∴A∴ does this, it is true, but in a manner so beyond even your present conception, that I think it only fair to give even the most commonplace of men the chance to co-operate actually.