Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Frank Bennett




c/o Thomas Cook & Son,

245 Broadway,

New York City,






[Written between 24-28 December 1916]



Care Frater


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your report dated Oct. 27 to hand, and approved, though observe remarks later on in this letter.


It is very fine of you to work so hard, and make so many sacrifices; but wrong not to allow others to do as much. What are silly women made for, my poor friend? They must have been made for some good end; and if they give us freedom to preach the Law as it should be preached, it would help both us and them.


Please distinguish carefully between AA and O.T.O. The latter is a practical organization devoted to the establishment of the work of the former. The AA has no open organization, and you cannot call yourself its head. The man next door to you might be your superior, for all you know. I have never had pledge-forms issued for the 4 people you mention as "members of the AA" nor have they been supplied with books (LXI, LXV) or sent in records. I should like all this cleared up.


I get encouraging reports all the time from all quarters, and am arranging to have these sent round where it seems desirable.


Don't forget to report to me monthly for the present; it will rejoice me, and keep you up to the mark, too. Mind that you make the other Brethren take their share of the work; one man is not enough. You must urge them all to devote themselves wholly to the work, keeping nothing back; it is only in this way that you can get really started.


Love is the low, love under will.




Ογειυιν 9º= 2o   AA

[Elevenfold Cross] Baphomet O.T.O.

I. I. et O. B.[1]



1—"I. I. et O. B."—[H]Iberniae Ionae et Omnium Britanniarum: "of Ireland, Iona and all the Britains." Crowley's title as Grand Master of the O.T.O. in all English speaking countries.


