Correspondence from Lord Dunsany to Aleister Crowley
Dunsany Castle Co. Meath Station, Drumree Meath RY
Jan: 3rd 1917
Dear Mr. Crowley
Many thanks for your letter. I dare say we'll meet one of these days if nothing too large hits me, a bullet was nearly enough last April but not quite.
Yes my Night at an Inn seems to have frightened them a bit, but I will always think the City of Kongros a finer place than a bar parlour in Yorkshire, and The Gods of the Mountains that much ahead of "A Night at an Inn."
Yes I remember Roe. He got nothing out of me but a tale, and indeed asked for nothing more, and tales are cheap enough in England—God knows—except of course the popular kind where task is sold as imagination. Why will a country that punishes, though reluctantly, the grocer that sells margarine for butter permit the sale of task as imagination?
Yours sincerely