Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





P.O. Box 70.

Vancouver. B.C.



Jany 8th 1917 E.V.



Beloved Father,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I have just had a letter from Mr E.B.A. Cannaughton, British Consulate-general, San-Francisco, a friend of Sister M. Davies [Mary Davies] of the London Lodge.


He wants to know where to obtain Book 4 Part I., will you please see that a copy is sent to him, I have none here. He also enquired for Lodge of AA in California, and mentions that he has set of Equinox. I have explained that AA is Chain System but that he could join us as Student, also told him it has been our intention to establish O.T.O. and M.M.M.. in S.[an] F.[rancisco] as soon as possible. Have sent him set of Pamphlets.


He may turn out useful, possibly a step towards that new Centre down the Coast?


By the way, Sister Davies describes herself as W[orshipful] M[aster] of the British Section of AA known as M.M.M.. This would appear rather misleading. Her letter was however, written last July. Was there some question about using O.T.O. then?


 Must close now, it is late.


Love is the law, Love under will.




