Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





P.O. Box 70.

Vancouver. B.C.



Jan 22nd 1917 E.V.



Beloved Father,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I am sending you a copy of our Treasurers Report to Bro. Cowie [George MacNie Cowie], which I trust under the circumstances will be considered satisfactory.


Our lease at 1852 Lonsdale Avenue expires on Feb 6th., and I have decided that the best course of action is to move to a more central location, where it will be easier to keep in touch with people. For the time being I am taking a small-place for private use, so as to keep expenses down as much as possible, with the idea of obtaining a Lodge Room in the City as soon as possible. The present state of the Lodge affairs makes this difficult, and some thought is required as to what is the best move. I am determined, however to do all I can for the good of the Order, and there are others who will doubtless do their share. In order to definitely find out how others stand and who can be relied upon I am instructing the Secretary to send out copies of the enclosed letter, which should either have the effect of whipping the Br[ethre]n up to fresh effort, or causing them to get out. Then we know exactly where we are we can begin to talk business and, I hope, get to definite Lodge Work again. In any case, we can try and have a few public meetings, and get fresh people together.


Mr. Cannaughton of S.[an] F.[rancisco], was kind enough to ask me to be his guest should I visit Frisco this year. Although I cannot as yet see how this can be arranged, it might be a good way to spend the Summer vacation, providing They find a way.


I hope to get a letter from you soon.


Love is the law, love under will.


