Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
c/o L. Bishop [Lawrence Bishop] Titusville Florida This address till further news.
[29 January 1917]
My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I willed somewhat: then I divined: then I calculated. These three were one.
I saw how to complete the Qabalistic cycle of redemption, and will write a tract thereupon.
Now of thee it is written: is not the child yet weaned? I'm quite sure you must get rid of that bondage of yours in one way or another.
I'm trying to get a syndicate to take up my work; if I succeed, I shall be able to have a secretary, permanently, and I want you to do that.
I also want badly a companion of high grade, who will record casual conversations. There are many points of wisdom not covered by existing writings. It is also a point for you, if you [illegible] to take my place in A∴A∴ and O.T.O. to prepare well. If the secretary game goes, I shall wire you money, and we start at once.
If not, and in any case, I think a strong effort should be made to have a Great Magical Retirement together this summer, for as long a time as is possible. It might even develop permanency, through the syndicate getting busy in the fall.
But the trouble is the lodge and the other. I suppose White [Howard White] can take over the former; but the latter is a difficulty. Only I see this, as you can't' that it's round your leg, and weighs about a ton.
Of course, if I can pay salary, it would be easy. Anyhow, settle definitely to have a G.M.R. with me. Save every penny; if possible, get the Lodge to subscribe for your ex[pense]s and arrange for R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] to visit some of them. The real expense is in fares; I don't know whether to try West or East. I might get a cottage, as I did last year. Better than tents, if you have much writing to do; but I'd like a place where one could go a week's canoeing trip on inland waterways, for a change. My leg is still bad if I walk too far, but I can swim all day.
Let me know at once if you'll decide on this G.M.R., in any case, at all costs. It should begin some time in May, I think.
Love is the law, love under will.