Correspondence from Frank Bennett to Aleister Crowley
[Undated: circa January 1917]
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
V. Ill. V. Ill. Grand Master Baphomet.
Your letters to hand, in which I note your remarks about the four persons whose names I sent as members of the A∴A∴ These persons are intending and have promised to become members as soon as proper authority and papers are sent. They were anxious to begin so I lent them my books until we got others from England, there are many others who are waiting to join, but I would not take them until I got the paper and until I knew exactly what to do. I should therefore like you to send me full particulars and proper instructions as to taking anyone into the A∴A∴
2. I have made clear the distinction of A∴A∴ and O.T.O. to every-one.
3. I must also say that I have never at any time said I was the head of the A∴A∴ but the paper[s] have styled me so because I was the only one who ever mentioned the A∴A∴ and only then in reference to The Equinox and its excellence as a method of aiding evolution. V[ery]. Ill[ustrious]. Dunn [Ernest Dunn] has read your letters and is himself writing to you, he ought to have helped me at first, now I do not need his help as I have had thousands of all the paper pamphlets printed and paid for them myself, also had the expense of rent for room and advertising.
I hold meetings every Sunday night and there is now a growing interest in the O.T.O. The A∴A∴ I cannot mention—only casually until I get more instruction. We are getting more people every Sunday, and will soon be a big thing. I expect now to get candidates as fast as we can initiate them, three have already applied for admission, of course this means more expense but I shall go on. I intend to take two (man & wife) through first degree on April 8th. I have promised these people that you are coming here this year so don't disappoint them, come as soon as possible.
I have received No. I to IX of The Equinox which I sold as soon as it arrived, and sent the money to England for more. I could sell a great number if I had them, let me have all particulars and papers of the A∴A∴ so that we can make a real start: all I have done is to read the History Section from my "Liber LXI vel Causae," they are practicing from No. 2 [of the] Equinox. I have had printed paper as per enclosed, which I send for your approval, also am I allowed to get a seal stamp made so that it can be attached to each paper if so I will have one made at once. I have a copy sent to me from Africa.
Ill. Bro Dunn would not allow his name to be printed on the paper, so of course I had mine, will write every month now that I know you get the letters.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours Radiantly,
In the Bonds of the Order.