Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





P.O. Box 70

Vancouver. B.C.



February 5th 1917 E.V.



Beloved Father,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your letter, Sol in Aq. Luna in Taurus, to hand this morning. Very many thanks. It seems as if, once having made a move, things are all on the change. Your letter was the first I received on the way to the office for the first time from new address, which, by the way is 2120 Cornwall Street, Vancouver. B.C.


To answer your last paragraph first. Yes, I'll do all I can see however, They will have to do a good deal if the project is to become a reality. All things being possible though, if we both make up our minds to do it, no doubt it'll come off all right.


Now, you know pretty well how things are without my telling you, but one or two details have changed about a bit I think? I want all to be clear. The Lodge is pretty weak just now, and will take a good deal of pulling together, except in a very few cases. It was my intention as you know, to get busy and do the best I could with rather bad material, adding fresh support wherever possible. White, I am sorry to say, seems to be proving somewhat un-reliable. I believe the Theosophical element is working against us all the time and W. had always some leaning in that direction. I have no doubt he can be bricked up a bit if necessary. I had trouble with the Smiths, but have them in hand again now. S. [Wilfred Talbot Smith] is a firm supporter, makes a good Treasurer etc, but lacks intelligence. Phelps [Maurice Phelps], will do anything to help along, but he doesn't pay well, and, what is worse he is dirty and untidy in appearance, and that wont go down well with the class of people we particularly need just now. The others are of small consequence, with the exception of R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones], who there is no denying has of late really done her best to fall in line with things and has stuck through thick and thin during the bad time we have had. Now there have been times lately when that Sister has gone without enough to eat for many days at a time, has been unable to get for long past, the little things a woman likes, has had to suffer badly from the cold, in order to keep the old Lodge on till the end of lease and has in many ways done her little bit for the Order and for me personally. Having moved to a little place, I had hoped to be able in a few months, to do something in return, so as to make her a little more comfortable, and if I go away for a time, whatever chances I take, I want to see to it that there is a provision made for her and the child, while I am gone. I don't think any of the present Lodge members would or could look after them for any length of time, but since the little place we are now in is only $6. a month, it wouldn't take a great deal to keep them going for a month or so, once I got things cleaned up a bit as regards a few outstanding accounts.


Of course, if the Syndicate comes off, it would be easy, I sincerely hope something will come of it. It's about time for a change of some kind, I have felt it for a long time. I am afraid I shall not be able to give much cash, unless something unexpected turns up, which sometimes happens; the Lodge members have left everything up to me for some months, and I have got through somehow, but I'll have to go very carefully to get straight again. It's been hell.


You never mentioned your leg before. What's the matter? Well, I must get back to office and do a bit more overtime, it'll help things a fraction anyway.


     Love is the law, love under will.





P.S. Had almost forgotten your diagram on envelope. This was very faint by the time letter arrived, but I take it to be as sketch, viz a form of the Tetragrammaton. You evidently intended me to interpret it, but it may take some time for me to get the complete idea and put it into words. For the moment, I should say it represents the formula of the Qabalistic Cycle of redemption referred to in your letter. There is a very complete linking up, conveying the same ideas as in Liber XXXVI, but more fully. Then there seems a connection with "Willed, Divined, Calculated, and These three were one" Chockmah being Will, Binah, Understanding, 6 Seph for the Reason, or calculation, and Malkuth. The Active agency from Male to Female is carried out in all cases except from He, to He, where the arrows seem to indicate a direct current, which is balanced, as I now observe, but a similar interchange between Yod and Vau. It is a wonderful figure, one seems to grasp the idea, intuitionally, but it is difficult to express. I shall await the tract, and work on it mentally meanwhile. The connection with (33) is not quite plain as yet. I'll write further in next, when I've got things clearer.


