Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones





c/o L. Bishop [Lawrence Bishop]





Feb 15 1917 E.V.



My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, because you realize that a scribble on an envelope may mean something without being told so..


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


No tact yet an that matter; I'm busy otherwise, and it will need much elaboration. But there's this to notice:



(Put the circle in; if you like) The "normal" arrows, as in our 418 Qabalah, are on the circle, and don't touch .




Son and Mother only connect with Shin through making connection with Father and Daughter respectively; and the s of  are those of those reciprocal [illegible]. These are more symmetrical than the formula, and also explain why we employ "that very remarkable phrase used above" (by the Revd P.D. Carey.) The tendency of all יה work up to form ן and ; in other words, you get a material phenomena, and all the tendency of nature is to insist on this. Whereas with other work the only tendency can be to . This way the Black Cross between the tablets, of course, if it goes away. But there is apology in nature also, in this way, that the penalty or error in יה is corruption of the body; whereas in ין or ההּ the only trouble is the semi-spiritual one of nervous breakdown from lack of balance, just as much as in meditation itself. The Qabalah too is a witness: Vide 104 = "The Star" and "illumination" (But Tzaddi is not The Star: then what is it?) Then Vide 410, 415. See, too, 409 and note the אחת in 777 as if The Spirit of the Elohim of Lives were formulated by ין.


I find little of חהּ to correspond; I think the Hebrews couldn't tell [illegible] Or the priestesses may have had a Qabalah of their own, which is lost. However on the main principle, not that the Laws added a method similar to ין but with a ה who doing a magical operation such as grafting a tree. It's important somehow, to make sure that as 'expected' [illegible] can occur; rather as in [illegible] or P.Y. [Pranayama] one must dose the lower exit beyond doubt or danger.


Now to your letter (I wish, by the way, you could spare some more of this paper and envelopes to match. Or send me the die.) I'm very sorry about White [Howard White]. You must do your best to save him. Point out that all A.B.'s [Annie Besant] career has been against everything decent, and how her teaching is utterly opposed to H.P.B. [Helena Petrovna Blavatsky] and how the vision he had with me was more practical advancement in one hour than he had with them in his life, and that he'd get more when he quits wavering. Then make him decide, on the spot, and bind him to you with a great Magical Oath, or be through with him, as he may choose.


Re R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones]. I'm very glad to hear what you say. Of course there was no thought in my mind but that C.S.J. must do his duty as such to her; but then O.I.V.V.I.O. needs C.S.J. wholly. The farther I go, the more I see that a hermit life is necessary in the end; but even in the 'Lower' grade, you need to be free from domestic ties. You have in your sphere of action in the world, no less.


I thought you knew about my alleged leg. Nothing wrong, but I can't walk more than 10 miles or so without trouble developing. There was a phlebitis, and it never cleared up perfectly.


Your III° Qabalah. This very good, but the first part of it is rather like "forcing a card" on the innocent [illegible]. Note the diplomacy with which you get Air both in I° and II°. In doing these things you must make them perfectly complete and perfectly necessary. The analysis of [illegible] is masterly, but a little redundant and incomplete. It is not enough to pick out letters here and there, at your own sweet will, for you thereby [illegible] upon the Orbit of the Word, and injure its will. Alas you should add Tree and make it a word of 11 letters (as all their numbers who are of us.) 290 פןי f+ 671 = 312 but I'm not satisfied with this spelling. I'll put in a little work on it, and send you some suggestions. The [illegible] will of course be the Father in the word. I don't like the hotch-potch of 'words contained' at all. You could het more out of Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia! Ma - son is all right, because it's complete. So is MAS - ON. (Mas is Latin for 'made' by the way.)


I shan't worry you—or myself further now. Write constantly and communicate ideas. It will all help to get us going when we make this G.M.R. [Great Magical Retirement] together.


Love is the law, love under will.



(The third bar in the F [in Fraternally] is to turn it half into Paternally, [illegible] the ideas.)




