Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Post Office Box 70. Vancouver B.C.
22/2/17 E.V.
Beloved Father,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I was very glad to get yours of 15th inst., this morning. Thank you for the explanations of IHSVH, they are very illuminating. By "that very remarkable phrase" do you refer to "R is the Father etc"? f so, I catch the meaning all right—I think—but confess I have not quite caught-onto the last line of the verse. Does Tzaddi – The Hanged Man? Re my letter, I will do what I can with White [Howard White], he is, as a matter of fact, somewhat better already. I see you understand the situation with R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] perfectly. I know that O.I.V. V.I.O. must claim C.S.J. [Charles Stansfeld Jones] in the long run. The G.[reat] M.[agical] R.[etirement]. will be the one thing needful I believe.
That long epistle to Lodge Members did good. I called a meeting for last night, and things were better than I expected. One of the old B[lessed] b[rethren], who had tried to give the thing up, and had not been with us for a year, suddenly came round again, and testified that 'it was the one thing worth while' and she intended to get busy and do all she could for us. Since she was one of the 'good payers' it may help a bit. We shall hold together all right I think, and intend to get the new Lodge Room going as soon as possible. Unfortunately the B.[lessed] B.[rethren] are really hard up, and cannot do a great deal, however willing.
I shall look forward to your further notes on the III° paper. I will also work on it in the meanwhile.
I have also to acknowledge your other letter signed XI° I note the symbolism of the Cross (and Crescent). Re. note paper. Have run almost out, so am sending die, also some small handmade paper, which I find my particular fountain pen does not go well with, but which there is a chance might work better with yours. Anyway its got Seal on it and may come in useful as a makeshift. Am quite out of envelopes, so cannot send. Please let me have the die back, as I shall have to get some paper again sometime.
Excuse more tonight, am very tired,
Love is the law, love under will.
P.S. Last letter from Bro. Cowie [George MacNie Cowie], he seemed a bit seedy. Says he's getting old. That won't do, will it.