Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones





Titusville, Fla.






Beloved Son,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


The more one says the law, the more one assimilates it. If I were not so tired, I would issue a pastoral. Make all these people use Do etc., and Love etc., in season and out of season, like a mantra. The effect cannot fail.


You are getting the Freemasonry right, so far as you go. I had your last effort, with sqs. and triangle, this A.M. But you must show yet more; show that this word is exact and complete, and that no other would do. Otherwise someone could invent a better word.


Please mail the enclosed. I want a double chance against ruthlessness.


I have been writing letters since 7; it is now three. I get no food in this place; I'm bored stiff, yet I feel limp. I am beginning to wish for a breeze. I guess the Equinox will bring a new current. I'm quite fed up; nothing doing on any plane.


Love is the law, love under will.


With all paternal benedictions,




