Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Post Office Box 70 Vancouver. B.C.
March 19th 1917 E.V.
Beloved Father,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Regarding Frater Nubem Eripiam's [Wilfred Talbot Smith] Record which I mentioned in my list. I have examined same, but it contains little of which I was not already aware from conversations. I think that possibly the close personal touch with him on account of Lodge work, makes it more difficult to judge his work than not. As far as I can see he went on fairly well for a start, but appears to have got no results at all worth recording, except the one important point that he stuck to it, in spite of that fact. In June, things changed and he became obsessed by his home and love affairs, partly due at any rate to the current started up at that time and which I hoped to utilize for the purpose of establishing the little group on something nearer New Aeon lines. I think, as you once remarked, that I should have treated K. [Katherine Talbot] in a different way, which would then have thrown Smith's [Wilfred Talbot Smith] affairs into a different aspect (possibly). In any case the affair seems to have turned him from A∴A∴ lines, although he may honestly have done his best to do what he willed in the way of Liberty. As far as I know he has never satisfactorily solved the problem yet, although he lives with the mother and daughter, and there is an outward appearance of harmony. I don’t think for a minute that he really expects to pass to Neophyte, but at any rate he has had sense enough to follow instructions by turning in his record at the appointed time. As I said before, not knowing for certain the conditions under which a Probationer should be passed or rejected, or the proper mode of procedure in the matter, I can only send the Diary on to you for inspection, and ask you to advise me on these points. I am sending it under separate cover.
There is little or no news. Things are rather quiet, though we have lots to do in reality, to get the Lodge fixed up in some way.
With Equinoctial Greetings, Love is the law, love under will.
Your devoted son,