Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





Post Office Box 70

Vancouver. B.C.



Vernal Equinox.

March 21st 1917 E.V.



Beloved Father,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I acknowledge with many thanks your letter of the 11th inst. together with Diary of Magus, Equinox Ritual, VI° Ritual, Liber CXXIV, so many treasures arriving quite unexpectedly nearly took my breath away.


Re Cannaughton. I have not heard from him lately. Sister Davies [Mary Davies] of London Lodge wrote to him, giving my name. He wrote making enquiries I answered Jan 8. He writes Jan 13, "I am in receipt of your favour of 8th inst with the inclosures for which I am grateful. In all probability I shall be here only for duration of the present war. It is very kind of you to have ordered us a copy of Book 4 Part I. On receipt I shall remit you cost and postage. In case you may have occasion to visit San Francisco (I told him I intended to get together a Lodge there some time, but circumstances had prevented me from looking after this. J.) I shall be pleased to make you enjoy your stay if you should dare to be our guest. With best wishes. Very Sincerely Yours. P.S. re books recommended to students of the AA, are they published anywhere in Canada or America?" I answered this, thanking him and expressing hopes that I should be able to accept his kind invitation for Summer Vacation. Feb 5th He writes "Your kind letter of 18th ult. in answer to mine regarding Book 4, Part One, was duly received. The book in question marked "with the compliments of the authors" reached me by mail yesterday. I am indeed more than grateful to the illustrious authors whom I presume is Mr. Aleister Crowley. When you write him please convey my most humble thanks. (I did so, didn't I. J.) Later I shall write you regarding the AA P.S. I am in possession of the books with line through names on enclosed slip. To obtain the others I suppose it would be best to write Weiland and Co. When the war ends we intend to live in Italy, all being well." I wrote, telling him to order books from 3 Regent St. etc. I enclose his list of books, which may be useful as a clue to what he knows. Perhaps you will return it some time. That is about all that I can tell you, but I think it would be a good idea if you can make some arrangement such as you suggest. In fact such a solution had already passed through my mind.


I am very much looking forward to the G.[reat] M.[agical] R.[etirement] with you, which will, or should be the means of my breaking up a lot of limitations and therefore becoming of some true use. No, I have not been told of the Paris working, but I remember the remarks re V.N. [Victor B. Neuburg] in De Homunculous.


I shall be unable to do much with the Eq[uinox] Ritual tonight, as have no place prepared, and no suitable victim etc. I intend to go down to the O.T.O. Office and rehearse it, anyway and maybe next Sep. I shall have better opportunities of its production.


Re Liber CXXIV. May parts of this be read out to B[lessed] B[rethren]?


It is useless for me to remark on various papers till I have had more time to peruse them. Shall look forward to further notes as promised.


I am sending you the L of L's received from Bb last night. There should be 4 or 5 others, which will follow. Had another letter for Clark [W.C. Clark], who says he is doing as requested re L of L.. I will report on his letter later.


That's about all for tonight, I think.


With Equinoctial Greetings,


Love is the law, love under will.


Your devoted son,


