Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson
13 East 43rd Street New York, New York
20 . 4 . 17.
My Dear Umfreville,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Glad indeed this soul of your scripsion; the elixir is justified once more of her children.
Not materialist, dear bundle of sticks, but Buddhist; soon to Nibbana's stainless peace shall come that whose complexities, realized as mere chance combinations, consent to dissolution.
For the youth—ambiguous ever, Ghostly One! Hard words to understand—but, let the worst come to the worst, I will always be a sister to you.
Dreiser [Theodore Dreiser] will bring his 'sisters'—not his, apparently, but each others'. We can hardly start before 4 'o the clock; we shall catch the physiological cycle on its upward-moving rim; and we should give lunch time to pass on.
I am sorry indeed I could not cross-examine you on that psychological state; I might have helped you to a further and higher analysis.
You shall see (the gods grant it!) that Atman is Anatta, and Anatta Atman, in the Tao. Hast thou read my 'Book of Lies'? Nay? Then I'll send it Wednesday—and you shall have your hand on the testicles of Dragon Truth.
And so—till Mercury his day the first of An XIII with Sol in Gemini.
Love is the law, love under will.
à toi
[Handwritten in A.C.’s handwriting on envelope] Best meet in T[heodore] D[reiser]'s place, I think. You suggest it.