Correspondence from Mary Davies to Aleister Crowley





93 Regent Street. W.1.



21 April 1917.



Most Holy and Reverend Father.


"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law".


Ever grateful thanks for loving enquiries. Yes I think now the turn has come in Will's [her husband] condition of Health and he is back in his place in L[odge]. Something which dear Sir G [George MacNie Cowie] did has evidently silenced the opposers and we go on uninterrupted again and in exceeding joy and Holiness. We have become a veritable Utopia, a family seeking to aid each other by the "Glad New Law" given through you. "Ever blessed be Thy name". I expect you will have heard all concerning our labours etc. One day my secretary [?] will send you through Father George [George MacNie Cowie] full details of the first year's work not concluded till June. We have in addition to contributing 10 to Father G. paid all bills, purchased many necessaries and have fair balance in hand for ensuing Year.


To say we are progressing will sound quite modest when you see what we have done, few weeks indeed that we have not met either for working or for Instruction or rehearsal independent of Lodges of Instruction or rehearsal we have held 25 Lodges. The Summons to L[odge] are sent out regularly by A.C.H. [Althea Hobbs] as per enclosed. The V[ernal] Eq[uinox] was a great surprise, we celebrated it as soon as possible after the hours. Then the visit of a fortnights duration of Father G. a S.G.I.F. and D.G. Master was a great time. We received him this time as he should be received, his address on his reception was a great illumination and the tenderness of his Love expressed in it for all B[lessed] b[rethren] delighted—and Benediction in your name full of Majesty—and [?] too soon came the end of his visit—and his Ave Aqua Vala, made each of us weep. We had arranged the Throne so that he sat in your Chair and I as W[orshipful] M[aster] lower so that from him and sloping on to myself and thence to the Altar with Banner and Swords and the Temple brilliantly lighted, the night was grand, he left under Arch of Steel, of course the lack of space is now Beg[inning] to limit us, but I've strong hopes a sis[ter] will with me take a house detached from anything like offices soon—most likely the same sis[ter] who has made Father G. happy about the Holy House. It's pathetic to see him of late struggling with first one difficulty and then another and yet even with his physical tribulation [his deafness] he is wonderful he is so badly off for cash, now I think, so he is proud that we are able as a L[odge] to contribute. I wish all the Branches [?] would do likewise.


During his visit we had 3 initiations and an affiliation of a Master from Rugby—we now have only 2 I Degree all the others are raised, as a L[odge] we number 21 (9 M and 11 F) with 3 waiting Initiation, and the room is quite full it's only 18 by 16 with a very small ante-room, for office, but of course I allow the use of both my rooms below for unrobing etc and to use as a sort of open Lodge—but for this I don't know how we could have had such happy times. We never take out for banquet but in turn the sisters provide sandwiches and coffee. I've also stored all the moulds of Eq[uinox] in my place for you. I should think over a ton of it from Ballantynes etc. When they gave up business, "Althea" goes faithfully to Uncles and is a very good girl.


There is one Sister who is splendid at Reciting and is a born Magician you saw her once when you were ill, I brought her out; These are very hungry Children, they crave for food and it takes me all my time (of course I do 'nowt' without Father Georges' consent) to give them meat to sustain. It has put me on metals such as never before; but I love them and the work and Thee. The officers are good, and if ever prevented any one of the III degree are able now to take their place.


Whilst Father G was with us, we performed only in recitation the Mystery Ship, and read and studied 8th Aether, and several have begun serious work, but there is so much to do etc. I could spend all my time in it but that may yet come, If you so bless me my Father. Thus occupied has been a privilege and has saved from depression during these dark days. You will be glad with me our dear boy is back in S.A. safe and well and has distinguished himself, been specially mentioned in dispatches by Gen Smutts, I long to see him, and for this am glad there is now signs of Will living to once more embrace "the child of his bowels".


Speaking of S.A. reminds me, we hear now and again from Bro Braidwood whom we had made welcome whilst in England and also we hear from Bro S.J. [Charles Stansfeld Jones] I ought to say His Excellency—I sometime get feelings or visions of him here, and once in a vision and voice I heard myself saying "Come Bro and my home shall be yours. Come and help us". Is there anything in this? We never meet but I hear you and see you and realise your blessing. How is dear M.O.H. [Mother of Heaven—Leila Waddell]. Couldn't she write a line to us. How you will smile at some of the essays on "The Law of L[iberty]". Others are good. We go in for studies in Hebrew, Astrology, Egyptology, and our own word as earnestly as any children ever did. M.H.M.S. I am feeling now I need a little more knowledge, feeling as if I have well digested good things


[The remainder of the letter is missing.]


