Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Theodore Dreiser





[on the stationary of the Brevoort Hotel, Greenwich Village, New York]



[27 April 1917]



My Dear Dreiser,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I hope we can repeat our Wednesday on the same day next week—with variations. Will you arrange for it.


I have Tuesday evening to see my agent, so should be glad to have your $15 by lunch-time on that day.


I feel sure all will be in order, as I have had previous dealings with the party. I hope you are liking The World's Tragedy, with its eloquent defense of England in the introduction.


If you have any leisure time between now and Wednesday, ring me up; NY is not overcrowded with people worth talking to. Anything happen by the way, after we left?


Love is the law, love under will.




Aleister Crowley


