Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to

an Unknown Correspondent




14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.



9 May An XIII [1917]



Care Frater.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I am sending Th[erion] a copy of my address to the Lodge and thought I would send you a duplicate. It may interest you, tho' there's not much in it, it being written under 'restriction' and adapted to those of III Degree only, as well. As I am not certain that all my letters reach Th[erion] you can send this on to him in case.


The Lodge is all right and steadily growing and in one or two ways, not yet definite enough to speak of, I am hoping for better financial prospects. We will recover from the damping down we had in January and the end of the war may be nearer than we hope.


May 10.

     Here is a worry. After studying the scheme of Governance of the Order, in addition to II degree, I sent it on the Mary [Mary Davies] in London last Friday. No letter has ever gone astray before and it did not occur to me as necessary to register the letter. It was only yesterday that I realised that for some unknown reason it had not reached her, and that is confirmed by a letter this morning. I think it will turn up yet, and I am going to inquire at this end, but I had better ask you to be so good as to send me a duplicate as soon as possible. I'm vexed to give you this fag, but at the moment it seems necessary to ask it. I will find out before posting this if there's any word of the missing letter, so if none, please send on the duplicate and your petitioner will ever pray.


I hoped to write Th[erion] too but have found it impossible in time for today's mail, so will you send this on please, just to let him know that I'm alive, (a doubtful blessing as things are by no means rosy).


Love is the law, love under will.


Address follows in separate envelope. I want to make sure of catching the mail with this. No word of lost letter. In vile haste but all fraternal wishes.


George M Cowie.


