Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Post Office Box 70 Vancouver. B.C.
May 15th 1917 E.V.
Beloved Father,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I was very glad to get your letter of 10th inst with enclosures (which have been forwarded as requested). Please accept my sympathy in your loss [Crowley's mother].
I am sorry to hear you have been troubled with neuralgia and sincerely trust it has passed now. On the 11th I made an attempt to look you up astrally, and got that your throat as affected in some way, also you were lying down with a towel over forehead as if you were suffering from severe headache; that was about 7-45 P.M. here. I wonder how far I was correct?
I am sorry that job hangs fire, but no doubt things will be all right. I find myself in a difficult position to make much of a move. If we sold out pretty well everything, it would bring in little more than my fare to N.Y. and for many reasons it would appear best to leave the little flat as it is so that R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] has somewhere to stay for a time till arrangements can be made. Things seem to have conspired rather against me at the office, so that there looks little chance of walking out with more than a fortnights pay, unless I can manage to get fired and take a chance that they give me a months money to see me off the premises. This is quite a scheme and might be tried. In any case I will see if I can do anything to raise the wind by the end of the month, and if I get my fare together one way or another will wire you. I'm convinced things will work out for the best anyway.
I received the enclosed from Bro Cowie [George MacNie Cowie], to-day. You might tell me what K.P.C. is, it sounds useful. I enclose the newspaper cutting I mentioned at the time, but my idea may have been entirely wrong.
Rather a funny thing happened last Sunday week at our Meeting. Bro White [Howard White], who was to have lectured, was taken ill and did not let me know till Saturday that he would not be able to talk. I decided not to put in the usual little advertisement, and since in that case no strangers were likely to turn up, to give them a paper on Nature and Sex worship I had prepared some time ago, as this would work in rather well with the series of studies on the various ancient Religions. When the time came I had not brought any other matter with me and was surprised to see first of all an acquaintance from T.[heosophical] S.[ociety] turn up, followed by other strangers so that there were 14 besides ourselves. I certainly funked it, and persuaded Bro Phelps [Maurice Phelps] to promise to read the Message etc and talk a bit, after I had read another little thing I was going to use in conjunction with the paper. After he had done so, and while he was doing so, I felt pretty badly about not going through with what I had willed to do, so I got right up and said look here my friends, I am not doing my will as I should etc etc. and now I'm going to give you a paper on Sex worship whether you like it or not.
One man walked out, but the others stayed and it didn’t do a bit of harm. Of course the subject was treated from a purely Historical point of view.
Well, I must close. I hope for really good news soon.
Love is the law, love under will.
Your devoted son,