Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





P.O. Box 70

Vancouver. B.C.



June 6th 1917 E.V.



Beloved Father,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your note of 3rd inst. came to hand this evening. I wrote on May 15th and on June 1st, though the latter was not posted till about two days later and you could not have received it when you wrote. Both were addressed to Carnegie Hall. Things have been so depressing, and I have been unable to make any definite arrangements, so have not written often.


The chances of my getting to N.[ew] Y.[ork] still seem very slight for the time being. Everything, in every direction, is indefinite, I don't think I ever remember such a peculiar state of affairs. I will let you know as soon as a course of action presents itself, for the moment, I can only sit tight and see what turns up.


The star called Wormwood certainly seems to have failed but 'there is that which remains'. I don't know that anything ever goes wrong really and however dark the clouds may appear the Sun is shining on the other side.
The enclosed came to hand yesterday, I don't know who Johansan is, or if he intends to visit Vancouver, but thought it best to send it on.


There's no further news that I can think of. Please write again when you can and also let me know if you got my other letters.


Thanking you for your Paternal Benediction and with every expression of filial duty and love.


Love is the law, love under will.


Your devoted son,


