Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson




164 5th

[New York, New York]



25 June 17





I deem I will come Wednesday morning: Because I may be withdrawn from circulation at any moment now. The Call of the Wild is heard from Sullivan County for one thing; I expect to go there Thursday, and (may be) nest there.


If not convenient better wire. Time is short: the Lord is at hand.


I was reading the sermon in the Herald yestre’en on Rom XII 4. What blessed words of comfort are those “many members in one body”. Salutations to your Scorpion Spouse, and to the Olive Branches, and to the candidate for a cellar burial. Cringe to the Jews for me, and frown upon the Germans. Thus let us escape imprisonment yet awhile: though it’s rather a disgrace to be at ‘liberty’ (Ha! Ha! Ha!) in G[od]’s O[wn] C[ountry]. But there are three really great Americans, and I delight to honour them, especially the one that uttered those three words of Latin which I half wish I had the pluck to say myself. I think if I were quite sure that I were dying, and could be of no use at all any more as a constructive force, I might end in a blaze of glory after all.


Don’t put yourself out about my coming with elaborate preparations: consider me as a mermaid, and yourself as H.G. Wells. Horrid thought! So long as the champagne is well iced, and the terrapin perfect, I shall not complain, at least to your face, because I was taught that it is not polite. (But perhaps it is polite in this country!).






