Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Frank Bennett




c/o Thomas Cook

245 Broadway

New York






[Written between 6-8 July 1917]



Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Do not be disturbed by any news from England: whatever was wrong, or seemed wrong, will be put right at once.


I am not fond of the use of the word Rosicrucian, if only because it is said that the true Rosicrucian Order never allows the use of the word. So make it clear that your title is merely in honour of C.[hristian] R.[osy] C.[ross].


I don't know at all whether I am likely to be able to come to Australia.


Your pledge form is quite right, and you may add facsimile of Seal if you wish.


I am very glad you are going ahead so well; I think you can make a big thing of it; you have the right spirit. Do not let anything discourage you. "It's dogged as does it."


I have been sick; hence my delay in answering your letters.


Love is the law, love under will.


With Paternal Benediction


In the Bonds of the Order


[Elevenfold Cross] Baphomet O.T.O.

From A. Crowley


