Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
P.O. Box 70 Vancouver. B.C.
July 23 1917 E.V.
Beloved Father,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I have just received the enclosed letter from Johanson, addressed to you, and am forwarding same at his request. I am also sending you a letter I had from him some time ago and a copy of my answer to same which answer, he will receive on his return to Seattle. He seems rather an interesting case, and I shall be glad to have your comments on my reply, as to whether I have sized the situation up correctly. Of course I don’t know what you intend to do for him, but I thought I might as well offer him a helping hand as lies in my power. You might return his letter to me, if you will, for filing and reference.
I read Shaw's preface to Androcles the other day. Is there any likelihood of my seeing your "Gospel according to Saint B.S." [Gospel According to St. Bernard Shaw] in which I should be very interested.
I haven’t much news for you. Things are slightly better materially as they have given us a bonus at the office, and I have worked myself into a better job, which may mean another slight increase in salary. If we are enabled thereby to get on our feet a bit and get about a little more, there may be a chance of meeting some more suitable people and getting things going again. Things may die down for awhile, but the root isn’t quite dead yet.
I think the IX° Op[eratio]ns are going a bit better, am getting more confidence gradually, but there is nothing of much importance to report.
I still hope to get a line from you sometime.
With fraternal greetings and filial love.
Love is the law, love under will.
Your devoted son,