Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson




Dr. L. Wilkinson

10 Davis Place,

Rockaway Beach, L. I.



August 7, 1917



O Disappearing Worker.


I do not know what happened to you on Sunday. I can only imagine that you could not find the place and killed yourself in your disappointment.


The place is Sea Side House just opposite Sea Side station, telephone Hammels 730.


I am not coming to New York to-morrow, Wednesday, and I hope you will come over to Seaside as early as possible. You might telephone me about nine o'clock because I want to talk to you very seriously about a somewhat extensive campaign. To-morrow is quite the best chance. I shall probably return to New York for good on Friday.


They do not like my review #1 of which I sent you a copy so I have had to write another one much duller, but possibly better from the point of view of selling the book, which is a great thing.


Thine A.C.






