Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley




14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.



15 Aug XVII [1917].



Care Frater.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of the 26th July to hand this week. I have only half an hour to spare for this mail, a longer letter must wait. I am for one think buckling down steadily to business. (I have a considerable debt of gratitude to repay) and another thing really because of tribulation. I feel that with a fortnight's steadiness the long desired annihilation of the ego may come within sight. The mind now keeps automatically and without much effort (though the will has come into play) in the desired direction, and silent, and there is a feeling of success being near if I get time. I am recovering health and things are at least no worse, and if left to go the way of the Tao for a little will recover themselves. Glad to hear of your minor success.  Excuse brevity.


Ever fraternally.


George M Cowie.


