Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones





October 18, 1917



Sir Stansfeld Jones

P.O. Box 70,

Vancouver, B.C.



My Beloved son,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of October 12th to hand. I will let you know further about Bates in a few days. I should have seen him this week, but have been getting into winter quarters and this has messed everything up. I will send you Liber [illegible] by an early mail. I have not got a Collegii Sancti, you must get that from Cowie [George MacNie Cowie]. I have not heard from Cowie, as much as usual. He has been under a very great strain, but I got a letter from him yesterday dated September 27th. He seems fairly cheerful.


I have no illegitimate babies in the office at the present moment, but if any should arrive, I will advise you in due course, and dispatch. Our terms are cash with orders. Speaking seriously, I think it is rather crazy to increase responsibilities at a time like the present. I cannot see my way to any sort of permanent arrangements in regard to anything until I see more clearly what is going to happen.


I wish I could have a week with you. We could clear up a great deal.


Love is the law, love under will.


Thy Sire,







